
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

BatFit 2021 - Joining the Bandwagon

I'm not, historically, a joiner (I'm a splitter), but Le Professeur Gothique had a good idea with this one. BatFit is a goth healthy living challenge for the new year, & how can I resist such a cute name?

First off, no, it's not a diet, & second off, no, it's not a New Year's resolution. Both are doomed to failure. But how about a restarting of some wise movements towards health that I know I should be doing anyway, with prodding from a like-minded group? Nothing wrong with that.

I'm not going to obsess about it, & most of my posting will probably be on the BatFit Facebook group. But some may sneak into this blog, thus, an introductory post now.
LPG has a weekly challenge for BatFit, & I may or may not post about that. For example, the first one was to create & write in a paper journal, & while part of me finds that idea charming, realistically, I know I won't keep it up. So I'm skipping that (see? splitter!).

However, I figured I'd share some of my personal goals for the project...

More Mindfulness -- In the yogic traditions, mindfulness is key to living a centered, less stressful, & more aware life. Being mindful & in the moment helps you enjoy what you have & who you are. There are three categories I specifically plan to be more mindful of this year: money, eating, & time.

Mindful money: Think twice before spending money & spend only on what matters. My husband & I have a lot of house repairs & maintenance to do this year, so our money must be spent more carefully & everything that we pay for should be in mind of these long-term goals.

Mindful eating: Eat with care, eat things that nourish & that feel good without overloading. Drink consciously & thoughtfully, sip slowly. Sensually savor each taste. Be mindful of quantity & quality.

Mindful time: Plan ahead & follow thru. Get things done that are important to me. Spend time with those I love, not those I merely tolerate. Schedule so I don't feel rushed.

Two To-Dos -- I have a couple specific things I want to get done this year which don't fall into any particular category, but they feel like cleansing, clarifying tasks & kind of fit into this post...

Reorganize my sewing room: First, get Kendra's old cutting table, & give my old cutting table to Sarah. Then go thru every box, bin, & shelf to sort out stuff & re-sort. Throw out things I don't use & won't ever use (ehem, patterns, fabric scraps!). Relabel all the boxes & bins, plus reorganize my fabric stash iPhone app to coordinate. Only then will I be set for a year of creative pursuits!

Upgrade my work-from-home wardrobe: Stop wearing PJs & at least switch to yoga pants or leggings & nice tunics. Yes, this will require some shopping (start by thrifting for tops at least). Get dressed to work at the home office, not a full outfit with tights & lipstick, but just something less slovenly than a freebie tech T-shirt. An outfit worth blogging about once in a while.


  1. :) You rebel! (((HUGS)))) Good health has so many meanings and good heath is what Bat Fit is all about. You and I agree that a majority of good health is mindfulness -- being aware of yourself, your surroundings and the people with whom you are interacting. This concept embraces so many different things -- mindful eating, mindful moving, etc.

    Good luck and I'm thrilled your with us! :)
